Tag Archives: Vegetable

Snakes and Flowers

2020 was a strange year, strange and terrible. I’m hoping this year turns out better and to that end, I thought I’d start this year out with the good kind of strange- Strange and beautiful! Today we’re looking at snake gourds, although why we would go with snake when serpent gourd was an option is […]

Ashes to Ash Gourds

Ash Gourd

The English names for this hulk of a vegetable include Ash Gourd, Wax Gourd, White Gourd, Winter Melon, Ash Pumpkin and several similar combinations. The name comes from the ash-y white powder that covers mature fruits. Local names include Petha (Hindi), Poosanikai (Tamil), Kumra (Bengali), Kohla (Marathi) and Toronto (Manipuri) amongst others. The Hindi name […]