Category Archives: Kerala Cuisine

South Indian Vegetable Kurma

Porotta Kurma, Vegetable Kurma, Coconut and fennel curry,

1 porotta kurma please!  That’s my standard tiffin order in the south, and with good reason! Porotta kurma is one of those classic dishes that just w.o.r.k.s. South Indian porottas are really famous; they’re soft, they’re flaky and they have more layers than a Wachowski siblings movie.  Porotta beef fry is a Kerala classic but […]

Potato Karacurry

Potato Karacurry, Roast Potatoes, South Indian Style Roast Potatoes

Potato Karacurry South Indian Style Roast Potatoes The humble potato. Be it french fries, aloo gobi, hash browns, gnocchi, mashed potatoes or chips, potatoes have consistently given us amazing crowd pleasing dishes. Potato Karacurry is yet another one. This is a very easy recipe with very simple ingredients you most likely already have in your […]

Coconut Chutney

Coconut Chutney

There’s nothing like coconut chutney made from freshly grated coconut! A quick internet search will tell you that the name Kerala comes from ‘Kera’ meaning coconut and ‘alam’ meaning land, essentially making this the land of coconut trees. Fittingly so, since we’re obsessed with everything coconut, we use every part of the coconut tree – […]

Onion Chutney (Ullisammandhi)

Onion Chutney

Ulli meaning Onion and Sammandhi meaning chutney. Ullisammandhi meaning the most delicious chutney ever. This is truly a very, very difficult one to pen down. Ullisammandhi/Onion Chutney is more of a concept than one particular dish. There are a few generally agreed upon ingredients but proportions, cook, texture are all points of contention! Some believe […]

Kadala Curry

Kadala Curry

Kadala is Malayalam for kala chana or whole bengal gram. Kadala curry, is Malayalam for the best damn curry ever. That is, until I post the next recipe of course. LOL Kadala is a great source of protein for vegetarians, which makes this one of the rare instances when something that’s good for you also […]

Godhambu Dosa, The Instant Dosa!

Instant Dosha

Godhambu = Wheat Flour = Aata = Instant Dosa. This is an instant dosa recipe; no fermentation, no wait and the least amount of prep you could imagine. It takes all of 5 minutes to get this on a plate and it’s super tasty to boot. Let’s Talk Batter Grinding dosa batter is a time […]

Kosthu – Gram Flour Curry

Kotsu Gram Flour Curry Dosa

This is an honest to god original recipe from my kitchen. Well. My grandma’s kitchen to be exact!  We’ve been making Kosthu in my house for over 80 years and it’s one of my favourite accompaniments to dosas. So imagine my surprise when I searched for a recipe online while researching this post and couldn’t […]