Author Archives: Sneha

Basic Vanilla Cupcakes

Basic Vanilla Cupcakes

There are certain recipes you must have in your arsenal. A good vanilla cupcake is essential in a bakers repertoire, and this recipe is just perfect! Getting the basics right will only help you when you start to go all mad scientist baker with crazy flavour and ingredient combinations. These vanilla cupcakes are so amazing […]

One Serving of Nuts

One serving of nuts

How many is too many? More importantly, how many is one serving? Is it a handful? If so, whose handful? Because my handful of pistachios is like, 10. About 80% of a nut is fat, and while that’s ‘good’ fat, it’s still a lot of calories. Which is why it’s advised to limit how many […]

Kosthu – Gram Flour Curry

Kotsu Gram Flour Curry Dosa

This is an honest to god original recipe from my kitchen. Well. My grandma’s kitchen to be exact!  We’ve been making Kosthu in my house for over 80 years and it’s one of my favourite accompaniments to dosas. So imagine my surprise when I searched for a recipe online while researching this post and couldn’t […]

Baking Powder Vs Baking Soda

Baking Powder Baking Soda

Baking Soda and Baking Powder are both leavening agents used in batters and doughs to aerate them and produce a final good that is light and fluffy. Both Baking Soda and Baking powder are responsible for chemical reactions that release CO2, creating little air bubbles that give volume to the dough or batter.  Baking Soda […]

Cinnamon Apple Muffins

Muffins Cupcakes Apple

My obsession with this flavour combination began back when I was growing up in the Middle East. I loved apple pies and my absolute favourite, forgive my inexperienced young taste buds, was the one at McDonalds. The absence of this from the Indian McDonald’s menu is one that I may never truly recover from. Perhaps […]